Friday, June 09, 2006

Preschool for All (Prop 82)

This topic was brought up at my child's preschool yesterday. (It's a parent participation preschool, where the parent gets to be there with their child the whole time and interact with them.)
The mom and reacher were talking about how importanat it was that the mother be there to take care of her child, etc... But then to my surprise, they started talking about how important it was that every child be able to go have paid preschool. (Honestly, preschool doesn't cost that much, people.) The teacher thought that prop 82 would have made it so people could put their kids in preschool without feeling the need to put them in kindergarden too early.
That's when I said aren't we avoiding the real issues, Children should be home with their moms, not away from them. The teacher said so, herself. Why are we trying to bandage a problem and not trying to fix the real problem? Look, if we're going to put money into finding ways to make our children better, then why aren't we doing what's really good for them?

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Every Child NEEDS a Mother and a Father

I think the real issues facing our children are NOT "They need more school". Our schools here in California are already failing our children, both in ciriculum and as far as some teachers are concerned.
I think the real issues facing our children are "They need more Mom and Dad time." We keep on taking our children away from their parents, first with the start of Kindergarten over 60 years ago and now trying to require preschool (if Rob Reiner had his way). I can just see it... 50 year from now, my grandchildren sending their barely three-year-olds away from home to go to whatever kind of school the new "Rob Reiner" creates!
I am taking my children back! They are my responsibily and I cannot take proper care of them if they are in the hands of the institution all day! I chose to be a Stay at Home Mom so I could be with my kids as much as possible. I am not about to give up that great and God-given responsibility so they can learn what a stranger feels they need to learn.
We don't need more institutions taking our kids away from us. We need more time to be with our kids... Teaching them right from wrong, teaching them how to be strong and healthy individuals, teaching them they have somewhere safe to go to (home) and TWO people to go to (MOM AND DAD). They need to have someone in their corner, always. I am heart-broken every time I see a child being dropped off at day-care when they could be at home learning from Mother, someone who loves them and does things for them, not because she is being paid, but because she loves them.
Our society askes us to push our babies out of the nest before they have their wings! Our children FIRST need the nuroushment only a Mother can give so they can face the world, even if that world is no larger than preschool.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Mr Rogers before the Senate