Monday, May 08, 2006

A Letter on Immigration from a Friend

So you want to know my thoughts on the immigration thing? I have nothing against any kind of immigrant, however I can't justify breaking the law even when I want to... my personal view is that if the Irish could come here and stand against persecution and still prosper than so can any other immigrant.
I believe that the laws which govern this state and country are a necessity and should be followed to the best of ones ability. Also I want to know what kind of message it sends our children and citizens when we reward those who break these laws. I understand that these people want a better life for both themselves and their children, but what about the thousands still in their country wanting a taste of the "American dream" should we welcome them with open arms as well? When does it stop, if you want to drive you must pass your test first to show you are ready to handle the responsibility that comes with driving, if you want to go to high school you must first show you are capable by graduating grade school. Should we not hold the citizenship of our country in the same level of responsibility? I believe that until we make this an issue that no longer involves ones race, but instead one's country as a whole this problem will continue in the same vicious circle it has been on since the forming of America. If you want to belong to America simply show you are capable of obeying the laws and bettering any society in which you are part of, your environment is a product of you. I don't believe we should close our borders, but I do believe we should enforce them, not only for the safety of America as a country, but also for the safety of our already lacking morality that separates us from Darwin's theory. If you would like to know more on my views I would gladly discuss them in more detail, as this letter was rushed I apologize in advance for any fragmented thoughts. If I have offended you in anyway I would like you to know that it was not my intention nor did I take any pleasure in the act.



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